Greece is pinning its
hopes on an early May 14 opening for tourism this year, Tourism Minister
Haris Theoharis said in an interview with the online magazine
“” released on Monday, while its strategy for bringing back
tourists hinges on the country’s numerous small islands.
Part of this strategy, the magazine reported, are priority coronavirus
vaccinations for residents of small islands and islets “so those
locations can be marketed as COVID-free” but also for practical reasons
as “it would make little sense to send medical teams back and forth to
administer doses to different population groups over time.”
“Fournoi, Chalki, Symi, Ereikousa and dozens of other tiny islets with
fewer than 1,000 residents in the Aegean and Ionian seas have been
targeted by the authorities. Kastellorizo, the country’s most remote
island, located on the easternmost edge of the Dodecanese, was the first
place in Greece to have its entire adult population vaccinated – all
500 of them,” the article said
Greece aiming at a May 14 date for reopening tourism, Theoharis tells ‘Politico’